Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Metal Gear Online: MEME EXPANSION

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced that the latest downloadable content for its Metal Gear Online title for PLAYSTATION3 will be released on November 25th. Entitled MEME EXPANSION, the download adds new characters and gameplay...
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The Sims 3 Q&A

Electronic Arts have today released a Question and Answer session discussing the PC exclusive release of The Sims 3. It’s not stated exactly who was asking or answering the questions, but as a piece of PR bumf it’s fairly revealing. The entire Question...
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PLAYSTATION3 Blu-ray Bundles Ship to Stores

Electronic Theatre has today received confirmation that the new PLAYSTATION3 Blu-ray Console Bundles are available to ship to retail stores nationwide. Although a few stores had offered the units previously, it is today ...
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Flower, Sun and Rain

Flower, Sun and Rain Grasshopper Manufacture and CEO Suda51 have established quite a reputation over the...
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Friday, November 14, 2008

Valkyria Chronicles

Regulars here at Electronic Theatre may well have recognised our strong belief in SEGA’s credentials throughout 2008. Branded as a publisher on the way up, the quality of SEGA’s title’s may have varied wildly – with ...
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