Monday, July 14, 2008

VIDEO ABOUT : PS2 vs. ATARI 2600 console review

VIDEO ABOUT : PS2 vs. ATARI 2600 console review
Classic Game Room HD - PS2 vs. ATARI 2600 console review
Classic Game Room was the FIRST classic video game review show on the Internet in 1999. Returning in 2008 with new episodes, Classic Game Room breaks out a review of the PLAYSTATION 2 PS2 VS. ATARI 2600 video computer system VCS. CGRHD takes a close look at the new PS2 Slim model compared to the smaller Atari 2600 Jr. The 2600 Junior (as it was known) was released in 1986 to a public hot for the NES, sadly it never received the recognition that it deserved. So which is better? In this versus console battle to the death these two juggernauts from different video gaming eras compete for the world championship of great video game consoles... right. What is incredible is that in the history of video games, the Atari 2600 was a landmark system that debuted in 1977. The PS2 was released to North America in October of 2000. Both were expensive when they came out, were huge and bulky and had only a few games available. But over time they developed a huge fan following that enjoyed their gameplay and graphics, and had literally thousands of games released for each system. Both the 2600 and Playstation 2 had smaller, more compact models released and both are more affordable today for collectors. Sadly there is no wood grained heavy sixer PS2. Check out all the Classic Game Room HD reviews for awesome arcade retro old school games vs. the newest brand new video games on the market for PS3 and Xbox 360. Classic Game Room was the original classic video game review show on the Internet in 1999-2000, now on DVD. The reviews on the HD series are reviewing PS3, PS2, Genesis, NES, Atari and Xbox 360. XBLA. videos review reviews show wii.


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VIDEO ABOUT : PS2 vs. ATARI 2600 console review

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