Saturday, October 11, 2008

Microsoft Backtracks On Xbox Live Arcade Delisting

The delisting of lower-selling Xbox Live Arcade titles will be deferred or even canceled as a result of the forthcoming New Xbox Experience dashboard, says Microsoft corporate vice president John Schappert.

In May of this year, Microsoft indicated that any title scoring below a 65 percent score average on Metacrtitic, and with a 6 percent or lower trial conversion rate, would be delisted after a three-month grace period.

Talking to consumer website IGN, Schappert claims that these original details were taken out of context and that the company had “set parameters by which we can delist games” – but had no actual plans to do so.

According to IGN, Schappert also suggests the new Xbox Live dashboard update that goes live on November 19th may make delisting titles unnecessary thanks to new sorting options that make navigation of available titles easier.